The lyrics reveal the hopelessness of the past (Were there ever any stars in the sky?)
The final lyrics of the song reveal that the escape was successful with Red and the Bluetick having a litter of puppies to boot.
His lyrics reveal a fascination with forests, darkness, night, misanthropy and death.
Certain lyrics within the song reveal that the targets of its criticism are men who do not repay debts, not all men in general.
The lyrics reveal that the eponymous "love" in the song refers to "the love of God".
The lyrics, though, reveal that there is something strange about the song.
His lyrics reveal many aspects of his life, such as his heroin and cocaine addictions, alcoholism and his political opinions.
The lyric reveals a narrator in denial about the title's ostensible theme.
The lyrics reveal a longing to return to the way love was portrayed in the drama.
In comparison to that song "Dream Letter" has a more apologetic tone, the lyrics reveal this with Buckley lamenting "Does he ever ask about me?"