This is a world where cliches become real, though in a twisted, often macabre way.
Even funnier, in a macabre way, was what they did next.
The guard stopped, frozen; in a macabre way, he looked funny, like someone caught pretending to be a dog.
It was the macabre 14th-century way in which he died - poisoning.
Could it be that someone had chosen this macabre way of warning me?
But now cows are showing up dead again, cut up in the same macabre way.
In a macabre way, the combat in the sprint was fitting.
It was the truth, in its own macabre way.
He looked sort of forlorn in a strange, macabre way.
Anyway, Tuppence, it is our duty to go and you can enjoy yourself in your macabre way on the side.