She'd been shot and decapitated by a machete blow.
Immigration officials said that among the migrants killed along the border this year was Milton García, 28, a Honduran who died from a machete blow to the head.
Another skeleton's pelvis was riddled with bullet fragments; the man apparently remained alive until he was dispatched by a machete blow.
En route to the rendezvous-point, the Kurdish driver of the van is killed with a drive-by machete blow by Talaat, who we see for the first time since 1993.
The skin is also tough enough to resist several machete blows.
They took her to a mass grave and tried to kill her with a machete blow to the back of her head, she said.
Others were dismembered by machete blows.
The girl had been shot in the arms and legs and her hands were maimed from deflecting machete blows.
But I say they're more like machete blows.
"Some of the children were decapitated with machete blows," Suami dos Santos, the agency's administrator in Roraima State, said.