Energy is saved during processing by switching off components that are not required at a particular time or point in the process (partial machine operation).
At the lowest level, assignment is implemented using machine operations such as or .
As this is quite time consuming in comparison to other machine operations, the performance may suffer.
-and what we need is a work force of air-breathers that can do elementary machine operation.
Singer, which for 135 years was known mainly for its sewing machine operations, spun off the division last year.
Furthermore, fixtures can be utilized in any machine operation that demands an exact relationship between a tools' position to a work piece.
Familiar in machine operation but a bit bigger and dirtier than usual.
Extraordinary expenses such as repairs were deducted from gross income, which promoted careful machine operation.
Programs to control machine operation are typically stored in battery-backed-up or non-volatile memory.
The quality of many machine operations such as sewing was superior to hand methods.