In 1961 the machine production of cup glasses began which were quite successful on the glass market.
This preoccupation, too, may reflect a technological impact: the shift from machine production to electronic communication.
We welcome a return to normal machine production and technological innovation.
With the development of machine production, however, the case was altered.
During the 1950s there was an introduction of new furnaces and machinery, followed by another decline, resulting in machine production being halted.
A year later, washing machine production was also moved to Malaysia.
Work was simple, aided by machine production, working hours short and vacation time long.
Those operations include vending machine production and a wire and cable business.
As industrialisation progressed, a reaction against machine production and the appearance of factories also grew.
In the 1880s, sewing machine production jumped ahead, with steady expansion of the plant, and by 1899 more than a half million machines had been made.