British aircraft added to German difficulties, with low-level machine-gun attacks.
The raid followed a machine-gun attack on a bus on Sunday in which 19 people died.
The Shadow learned for the first time of the strange machine-gun attack on a young metallurgist at the very entrance to a police station.
Sarajevo television reported that the renewed fighting included a machine-gun attack, apparently from Serbian positions, on a bus carrying 50 children out of the city.
Kramer had held his own against Matthews' verbal machine-gun attack.
At one point they fled a machine-gun attack.
A curfew was first imposed in Hyderabad on May 14 following machine-gun attacks.
The Speaker was killed in a machine-gun attack on his car outside a Cairo hotel in October.
Their machine-gun attack killed the commanding officer and four other men, as well as mortally wounding the Coxswain.
For just over an hour planes made machine-gun attacks on the campus.