"I know I'm mentally ill," he said last week over lunch at Souen, a macrobiotic restaurant on East 13th Street.
In October 1966, Sams went to England with plans to open a macrobiotic restaurant.
He opened Seed, a macrobiotic restaurant in Paddington with his brother Greg Sams in 1968.
For a while the large basement kitchen was a macrobiotic restaurant called Gandalf's Garden which counted John Lennon amongst its health-conscious patrons.
Here, in the midst of an otherwise unremarkable community, is a wonderful macrobiotic restaurant, Natural Harmony-Coa, adjacent to a market and shop called Plant's.
After dinner at a macrobiotic restaurant, the pair is picked up by a gaggle of hippies and winds up partying with Frank's stash.
Already closed for now, it may remain closed, a victim of a changing urban landscape and, since this is the new Austin, opposition from a macrobiotic restaurant.
I learned that some of the old customers had opened schools of transcendental meditation or macrobiotic restaurants.
But available evidence has suggested that it occurred in 1964, probably on the back porch of a macrobiotic restaurant near Berkeley, Calif.
One rumor that swept through the crowds milling on the street was that machete-wielding terrorists had taken over a local macrobiotic restaurant.