Having said this, it is important to recognize that macroeconomic measures such as the NIPA personal saving rate do not provide a complete picture of Q1.3.
He also specified tight deadlines for achieving various other (short-term) macroeconomic measures to ensure the country sustains development.
We still need efforts to get close to agreement in all priority areas and macroeconomic measures.
Kinshasa and macroeconomic measures of national wealth are only half the story.
Resistance by debtor countries crystallizes as domestic opposition to the macroeconomic measures necessary to make reparations develops.
A Bank spokesman claims that "not much is known about the relationship between macroeconomic measures and environmental impact."
Sometimes in this list they include macroeconomic measures affecting trade.
And insidiously, notes Mr. de Menil, this approach inhibits those who would attack joblessness through macroeconomic measures such as low interest rates.
As the macroeconomic measures faltered for lack of foreign and domestic support, the first privatization program took off.
Industries heavily dependent on air travel will benefit from the recovery of airlines, and from macroeconomic measures that spur overall economic growth.