Yet the exchange rate is only one of the many macroeconomic variables that monetary policy can influence.
Series may contain random numbers, macroeconomic variables, revenues, expenditures and debt levels.
Revenues and expenditures can then be expressed as functions of the macroeconomic variables.
The macroeconomic variable I usually stands for the value of these imports over a given period of time, usually one year.
Many macroeconomic variables that appear to move together over time in a systematic way cease moving together after they are first studied.
However, if we consider other macroeconomic variables, we will observe patterns in these irregularities.
Yet another regularity is the co-movement between output and the other macroeconomic variables.
For the technology sector, spending on information technology has been most affected by macroeconomic variables.
These changes can affect the following macroeconomic variables in an economy:
These models estimated the relations between different macroeconomic variables using time series analysis.