Pathogens can also cause the release of cytokines resulting in the activation of B or T cells, or they can alter macrophage function.
It works by reducing numbers of T-lymphocytes, inhibiting macrophage function, decreasing IL-1, decreasing rheumatoid factor, and preventing collagen from cross-linking.
If splenic macrophage function is abnormal or absent because of splenectomy, altered erythrocytes will not be removed from the circulation efficiently.
Beneficial effect of enhanced macrophage function in the trauma patient.
This increase in cAMP upsets water homeostasis, severely throws the intracellular signaling pathways off balance, and impairs macrophage function, allowing the bacteria to further evade the immune system.
CCL7 specifically attracts monocytes, and regulates macrophage function.
IL-4 has dual effects upon macrophage biological function, which may be either stimulatory or inhibitory.
MIF plays a role in the regulation of macrophage function in host defense through the suppression of anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids.
It is probably this interference and blockage of macrophage function that increases the risk of tuberculosis.
The receptor is implicated in the suppression of macrophage functions and regulation of energy homeostasis by bile acids.