His knee rose and fell, the foot moving so fast he seemed to be doing some kind of mad dance.
The cup on the table began to whirl in a mad dance.
There was no time common to all popular music, as myriad fragments of past, present, and future whirled in a mad dance.
"The daughter's mad dance could be viewed as a theatrical examination of a photograph that refuses to have meaning for her" (11).
It was a mad dance, a fever in the blood, Quintus thought.
Queen's back in stir and doing a mad dance.
Colored lights went into a mad dance atop the machine, and a war drum began to beat.
They know the whole thing is a kind of mad dance.
All the wonders of the new world whirled through his mind in a mad dance.
Now, in the midst of this mad and joyous dance, she could see that other world.