The most maddening thing about these switches is that, being of Murphy, they're unreliable: you can!
But the maddening thing was, he couldn't get a moment alone with Aaron.
It was the most maddening thing about the piggies.
The maddening thing about the media is that they entertain us with this ethic without either examining or explaining it.
And the maddening thing was he suspected as much.
At that very second, the most maddening thing that might have happened in the world did happen.
The most maddening thing isn't the what but the how, the fact that it was done to me - I wasn't even consulted.
Mattingly also touched on some of the maddening things that drove him away.
The maddening thing was that they had no idea what they were looking for.
The passenger shuttle was going out, that was the maddening thing.