Reaction videos and parodies have been made for or with the music respectively.
Made respectively of cottonballs and potatoes, these works date from the early 1960's, when the idea of repetition was just catching fire.
Repairs were made to the tower and south aisle in 1640 and 1711 respectively.
Two comprehensive, online, single entry points to public services have been made available to citizens and businesses respectively.
Further transfers of $7 billion and $19.5 billion were made in 2009 and 2010 respectively.
There might be, and were, differences of degree in the use made of oar and sail respectively.
Locomotives Nos. 3 and 4 were made by the Company itself in 1834 and 1838 respectively.
Plans for a new powerhouse and lighthouse were made in January 1962 and July 1963 respectively.
Two of the most spectacular objects are made respectively of gold and silver.
Two other film versions of the story were made in 1921 and 1942 respectively.