Faith Ringgold's "story quilts" are an enchanting blend of made-up tales and paintings, done on stitched canvas bordered with patchwork and - except for recent ones - written narrative.
I expect it's all made-up tales, really.
The 13-year-old Honduran boy told a heart-rending, though made-up, tale to strangers he met in Miami, who bought him a bus ticket to New York City.
How can a made-up tale of rivalry and opportunism beat the backstage melodrama of bringing "Waterworld" to the screen?
The normally dour servant glanced at Hari, as if convinced that this must be a made-up tale.
Residence status was granted to the Honduran boy who charmed New York City two years ago with a made-up tale of walking to New York to find his father.
A blend of made-up tales, ancestral sewing techniques, faux-naive folk art and the sophisticated language of French modernism, the story quilts are nothing short of wonderful.
To pass the time, she whispered a story to Tao Ni, a made-up tale of a battle between evil pirates and brave, honest sailors.
And this the more because his nephew (he whom thou didst beguile; I partly guess how) told him a made-up tale how all was done by the spells of Agatha.
He saw the guileless expression on this young man's face and looked at his son, thinking that this was no made-up tale.