The magazine has throughout striven to bring about integation of the Indian community with other communities and promoted social co-existence and harmony.
Additionally the magazine strives to provide its audience with the latest trends and news.
The magazine strove to present an elitist image to distinguish itself from its many competitors.
Each magazine strove to show just a little bit more than the other, without getting too crude.
Its executives have said that while the magazine strives to highlight the accomplishments of black people, there are enough outlets that dwell on negative coverage.
For a time, the most ambitious American magazines strove to be important, to be fundamental markers of their readers' identity.
The magazine strives for an equality of the right to knowledge across cultures, generations and genders.
The magazine strives to unify people of different backgrounds through education and awareness.
Whether the subject is serious or casual, the magazine strives to dig deeper into these topics.
Available in print and online, the magazine strives to unify people of different backgrounds through education and awareness.