To perform magic several different incantations are recited.
Art is, in fact, a magic incantation.
Calon Arang had a book that contained magic incantations.
Those words are like a magic incantation that, if uttered too loudly in the wrong place, can destroy the Kingdom.
She was a mantri, a person who knew certain magic incantations, and was reputed to be able to cure sick animals.
Once I had used the magic incantation "Doddy sent me", a wizened gentlemen was kind enough to let me in to take a look.
She is reading a book, we can see, on magic incantations.
Tebbitt was complaining noisily alongside him, conjuring up woes like a magic incantation to make more certain his return to base.
Bugs demonstrates how to handle a pesky vampire with six simple magic incantations.
Was the ghost of my uncle really haunting the house, marking his passage through the rooms with the chanting of black magic incantations?