He said you got him drunk and then cut his fingers off in some kind of magic rite.
Used them for his pleasure, tossed them into the volcano, sacrificed them in some unholy magic rite.
Historians believe the cave was used as a sanctuary where the hunting people of the paleolithic era met for religious or magic rites.
Tho mantra yogacharyas maintained the popular propensity for magic rites and mystic practices by the performance of marvellous feats.
This may be only a folk etymology, but it may also recall antique tasks and magic rites associated with bridges.
The Amhaouchs were renowned for their "Koranic-inspired teaching, magic rites and doomsday prophecies".
For example, in magic rites, the purpose of which was to induce a dislocated or broken bone to come together, the incantation was sung (cantare).
He performs the magic rite that will prevent her resistance.
She kept with her only the little Wizard of Oz, who was her pupil and knew how to assist her in her magic rites.
(Wayang Beber: a theatre or a magic rite?)