Sister Ariel Wyant sat five paces from the first magical boundary that separated the Iaosian Forest from the oak grove.
As she does, her hand passes the magical boundary, causing it to burst into flame.
Westland is separated from the Midlands by a magical boundary, which was created to prevent any magic from entering Westland.
Due to their abilities with magic, it would appear the Egyptians are in fact aware of the magical boundaries around Camp Half-Blood.
The Milesians agreed to leave the island and retreat a short distance back into the ocean beyond the ninth wave, a magical boundary.
The circle relates to "chur", a magical boundary that evil cannot cross.
The Westland is separated from the other lands by a dangerous magical boundary that prevents anyone without the aid of powerful magic from passing through it.
On the other side of the boundary are many sovereign nations, jointly known as the Midlands, and farther still past another magical boundary lies the empire of D'Hara.
Unfortunately, as a result of obstruction by some Member States, the Council could not be persuaded to cross the apparently magical boundary of EUR 15 bn.
We figured out how the reporter strayed outside the magical boundaries we set up.