And if you are in a magical setting, all the better.
There are several quite spectacular ones dotted around the island, especially in the lush interior, with magical settings.
It is true that this earlier version has reached us in a magical setting, and to some extent in an abbreviated form.
Both believe deeply in true love and wish to explore the magical setting in which played the tragic story of a couple of Saixpir.
It is a magical setting, especially when the last rays of light filter through the leaves at sunset.
It does not seem to fit as a fairy or a gem, but fits the magical setting.
It features the green screen effect and magical settings for the video's environments.
That was after all a medieval and magical setting, where modern technology had no place.
This was a magical setting; if he shot this bird, would it nullify the good luck of his character?
A magical setting: the basement dining room is surrounded by a rippling moat that casts reflections on the brick walls.