They magically change into their uniforms every time they yell U!
David and Dania's quick change act- the duo magically change their outfits.
It's incredible to think about--a room could magically change the way I felt.
Obviously iiNet knows that publishing something like this won't magically change the attitude of the content makers.
A pelican magically changes his appearance into that of a young man.
And that's changing magically, sort of by itself.
Then she magically changed herself to beautiful and made the king's daughter ugly, though she could not change their characters.
Preston's fortunes magically change through a sequence of events that could only happen in a children's fantasy movie.
I signed it sloppily, hoping to obscure my name, and magically changed the slant of the characters.
The scene magically changes to a magnificent palace and the opera ends with a ballet général.