The entire village watches as the two girls are magically returned from the well.
It didn't return magically to life, as she had half expected it would.
When the hammer was thrown, it returned magically to the owner.
But instead he found Aegis-fang magically returned to his grasp.
It had magically returned after being used.
Gradually the sand magically returns, transforming the shore back into its former beachy self.
Mildred is seen in the first episode accompanying her cousin to Cackles, before magically returning home.
When he comes to, he sees the little girl, her hair shining so brightly that at first he thinks his lost gold has magically returned.
Then Aegis-fang magically returned to Wulfgar's waiting grasp, and it was his turn to charge.
With dawn breaking, the naked Mickey crows like a rooster and slides down the bottle to magically return to his bed.