The music had come to an abrupt stop, the girl with the teeconax vanishing magically from the stage.
Without a word, Everson slipped a few coins into the man's hand, causing the other's unfriendly expression to vanish magically.
All the stress and nervousness and nausea of the past hour magically vanished.
After someone lamented that the jukebox might be too loud for Szczerbiak to conduct an interview, the music magically vanished.
As soon as the socket swallowed up the jewel, the ache in Kirk's arm vanished magically.
When water was offered, almost endless quantities of it appeared to vanish magically through the mouth slits of the hoods.
No deity could have vanished more smoothly and magically.
Yet people increasingly believe that if they can only say what they feel, then all anxieties will magically vanish.
The receipts then magically vanish and Henry tells Dundee to never question miracles.
And even if the dog should magically vanish, I knew Slim would start bleeding all over the place the minute we hit the ground.