His "magisterial" and "phenomenal" book on Old English syntax is still the standard reference work in the field.
Current sentiment among seniors seems like a classic example of an effect that the economist Benjamin Friedman identified in his magisterial book "The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth": in hard times voters get more selfish.
Weinstein has commented on the project saying that "like all fans of Alexander McCall Smith's magisterial books, I became enchanted with the wonders and charms of Botswana."
To the Editor: William Logan concludes his adverse review of Edward Mendelson's magisterial book "Later Auden" (May 23) by saying that "a belief is just a little stick you hang the poem from."
It is a magisterial book written in Socratic style.
IN the 1970's, when Alexis Lichine began to think about a third edition of "The Wines of France," his magisterial book, he decided to change the format.
Daniel Yergin's magisterial book, "The Prize" (1991), remains unsurpassed as a modern history of oil.
This tendentiousness - not to mention the passionate brief the author carries for Christian activists, whom at one point he calls "fearless men of God" - dulls and distorts the last section of an otherwise magisterial book.
Last year in the Book Review, J. A. A. Stockwin called this "a magisterial and beautifully written book" that includes "many amazing documentary photographs."
His magisterial 500-page book Explaining Social Behavior includes something of a recantation: