A magistrate has appeared in court accused of attempting to gas his wife with car fumes.
To my vast relief, the magistrate and a group of village men appeared to save me.
In Europe where the Napoleonic Code is dominant the investigating magistrate appears generally to have a stronger claim on the wreckage and records (including flight recordings) than the professional aircraft accident investigator.
The virtual viewscreen shifted so that Picard and Beverly in the Galileo appeared on one side, and a stern female magistrate appeared on the other.
From Parentalia to Caristia all temples were closed, marriages were forbidden, and "magistrates appeared without their insignia," an indication that no official business was conducted.
The magistrate, however, showed no signs of alarm, and appeared to be as easy in the presence of dragons as Haraket.
In Italy, the magistrates who oversee investigations also appear in court as prosecutors.
The magistrates appeared with their officers; Maximus and his consecrators were driven from the cathedral, and in the tenement of a flute-player the tonsure was completed.
Two days later the civil magistrate entered the prison to fulfil his office as received from the pope, and appeared before the archbishop, accompanied by a clerk, two servants, and four guards.
Falcone's enemies were numerous, even within the Palermo judicial offices, and senior magistrates appeared constantly to be subverting the work of his team, most of whom resigned in protest in 1989.