The magistrate nevertheless continued his house arrest, prompting predictions that he would be unable to leave England for at least a year.
If the magistrate had continued to ask us questions about our presence, she would eventually have determined that Srell and I arrived separately from you and the Tobias.
Allow Malacca Justice Council explains the function as a magistrate at the same time continue police duties "Burgher Guard" have formed at the time.
All magistrates are carefully trained before sitting and continue to receive training throughout their service.
Poor rates mounted, and many magistrates and overseers continued their moral obligations but in a spirit of growing hopelessness.
But the investigating magistrates continued to look into the case.
'It was this business about the letter that decided me,' the magistrate continued, as a widening slice of the outside world appeared in the gap.
'My entire strategy was incorrect from the start,' the magistrate continued.
"And now the defendant," the magistrate continued.
However, despite this law and despite the publicity following the Hussainara case, many magistrates continue to authorize long extensions at the request of the police.