They won the day in December when magistrates refused a licence for the premises.
The statement said that, having considered the application, the magistrates had refused to issue the summons.
At last he managed to whisper a request for water, but the magistrate refused angrily.
When the local magistrate refused to hear his case, Iwasaki accused him of corruption.
The magistrates also refused to arrest any of the rioters and released those that had been arrested.
However this proved difficult, largely because local magistrates refused to issue licences for new public houses to sell his beer.
Of course, the inconvenient detour was made necessary only because the local magistrates had refused to allow transport into a residential area.
However, clearly they had no idea of what they were doing in Australia, and the local magistrate refused to counter-sign the documents.
It made no sense, only set them all on edge that any federal magistrate would refuse the petition.
Many magistrates refused to take the new oath and preferred to resign from their offices.