The erratic magnetic fluctuations of the reactor containment fields had done nothing but lose him sleep ever since he came onto DS-Nine.
The new findings, based on data from two visits by Galileo to Ganymede in 1996 and one in May, found similar magnetic fluctuations.
They floated free, suspended by some unguessable mechanism invisible to the suit defences; no gravitational or magnetic fluctuation.
However, most rigorous theoretical calculations, including phenomenological and diagrammatic approaches, converge on magnetic fluctuations as the pairing mechanism for these systems.
This peaked current profile serves as a source of free energy for magnetic fluctuations culminating in violent events in the plasma called sawteeth.
Or something so sensitive that it can detect a magnetic fluctuation that is essentially a single quanta of energy.
They have captured numerous 'ghostly' phenomenon including orbs and magnetic fluctuations.
Mr. Scott modified the communicators, sir, but he wasn't completely certain how they'd operate under the magnetic fluctuations of the planet.
A tape head is a type of transducer used in tape recorders to convert electrical signals to magnetic fluctuations and vice versa.
It was amazing what magnetic fluctuations could do to surface hue!