The magnificent complex was designed by San Francisco architects Bakewell and Brown as a "monumental reminder" of California's Spanish heritage.
The club moved to its magnificent new complex at Ahamilla, a mile west of the town, in June, 2009.
It once had a magnificent complex of 17 Hindu temples, but only one remains today.
Temples abound on Bali, from humble, small shrines in the rice fields to magnificent huge complexes, ancient and imposing.
In the Chalcolithic (also called Copper Age) the Megalith emerged, monuments of stone, i.e. the dolmen and menhir or the English cromlech, as in the magnificent complex of Stonehenge.
The Baths in Apamea was a magnificent complex.
But if the agency loses patience with Mr. Silverstein, it could tear up his lease at the trade center, where the developer wants to build what he calls a magnificent complex of buildings.
It is an increasingly magnificent, well-appointed complex, very active with resident Brahmin priests; it is not necessary to be a Hindu to visit, but shoes are removed and photographing inside is not allowed.
At the institute, a magnificent complex of laboratories and study units set on a bluff overlooking the Pacific, Dr. Salk holds the titles of founding director and resident fellow.
The magnificent complex at Persepolis was created to serve as the ceremonial and religious hub of an empire whose primary god was Ahura Mazda, also the subject of Zoroastrian worship.