About 2000 magnificent oaks are found on the banks of the river Warta near Rogalin, among numerous oxbow lakes.
Here the magnificent oaks and beeches are twice graced by their reflections in the still waters of the lake.
It spreads on 2500 hectares covered with magnificent centenary oaks.
A new sculpture garden opened recently under magnificent old oak and pine trees in City Park, once a popular spot for duels.
Huge magnificent oaks dotted the parkland of an adjoining manor house.
A chain-link fence borders the east side of the yard, where the neighbors cut down three magnificent oaks and painted the stumps silver.
"Those," said Henry, pointing out of the window to a whole host of ancient and magnificent oaks, ashes and beech trees.
The French explorer Victor Guérin described passing by several "magnificent" oaks on the way to the village in May 1870.
Why plant a tree tutu of impatiens, for example, around a magnificent oak?
Between two magnificent oaks Harry Rex had constructed a semicircle wall of hay bales twenty feet high.