The members used to come for a drink at the mahogany bar, which stretched 100 feet.
You can keep costs low by grabbing a seat at the long mahogany bar.
Downstairs a dark mahogany bar is backed by what seems like the world's largest mirror.
He was at the far end of the polished mahogany bar.
Coming in the door, the dark mahogany bar was to the left, extending back to the wall projection for the rest rooms.
Inside, under a pressed-tin ceiling, a 20-foot mahogany bar is still part of the main room.
Jack stood by the mahogany bar just inside the door and took in the scene.
Cliff entered to find a dozen men assembled along a long mahogany bar.
Carter was leaning on the beautiful turned rim of the mahogany bar.
There was a short mahogany bar in the far corner of the room.