The maids are riding in front of the bridal car when they notice Jackie's car swayed the other way.
Together the maid and the unblemished prince rode to the realm of Rhud Hudibras.
Those whose ears were stretched to catch this conversation could easily sympathize with Grumio's silent-but obvious-plea to the gods for patience, as they noted the lady's jewels, fine garments, the weight of the cart holding her possessions, and the well-bred mares she and her maid rode.
Janet's maid rode just behind her, bouncing up and down like a sack of potatoes, and close behind her rode two men.
The maid shall ride, when the powers die, on her mother's course.
So maids commuting from the slums and well-paid engineers alike pay their 33 cents and ride the privately owned vans, which follow preset routes.
Three maids rode with her, and a dozen household knights in mail and plate.