Her Arangetram (first maiden performance) took place within ten months, an astonishingly short period to achieve this level of proficiency.
Whereupon, for the first occasion, we were marched to the brothel ship for the maiden performance.
Mahadevan's maiden performance was titled 'best concert of the series'.
Mangalam gave her maiden performance on the All India Radio at the age of 11.
This maiden literary performance is a wisp of a book, a mere 31 pages.
Founded in 2005, the group's maiden performance took place in 2006, with the critically acclaimed Love's Fire.
After this maiden performance, Coward withdrew it from the cycle.
Nagai Muralidharan's maiden performance was at the age of 10 and his career as a violinist has spanned for over 4 decades.
His maiden performance in Doordarshan was by accompanying another great musician Late.