The 9512 was also supplied with version 2 of the Locoscript word processor program which included spellchecker and mail merge facilities.
There's also other little things such as scheduling an email to be sent at a later date and mail merge.
Writer's mail merge functions, rewritten in 2.0, is still less flexible than in other word processors.
The system could do outlines, mail merge from its own addresses, and allowed the user to change colors of display elements.
With computer technology, some are able to print directly on envelopes from a guest list using a mail merge with word processing and spreadsheet software.
I wrote her back, pointing out that she hadn't even bothered to pretend it was a personal note... just a mail merge missing my name.
If you have more than a few people to contact, you'll be tempted to copy and paste or mail merge.
Excel has extensive graphing capabilities, and enables users to perform mail merge.
A mail merge programming language allows the user to input data from a text file or Prodata database.
Conversely, Hot Line numbers can be shipped to other programs, like a mail merge package, to create invoices or mailing lists.