It prevailed till 1892 when "yang" took over as the main currency.
But its main currency is ballads, which range from the sublime to the ridiculous.
The dark society depends on a substance called Margin, that is the only energy source and also the main currency of the realm.
It should be noted by the reader that only the world's main currencies fluctuate in relation to one another.
Its main currency is credit with the Geisha bank.
Three of them, other than the main currency, still circulate widely.
Luckily, many main currencies are strong, so there is room for interest cuts.
We must also ensure that stable exchange rates are maintained between the main currencies of the world.
This is to forget that, within a floating exchange rate system, the main currencies are always going to evolve in relation to each other.
It was the main currency in Bohemia from 1520 to 1750.