He wrote that "the main emotion captured on Friends & Lovers is happiness.
Corouda saw that he looked relieved, and realized that relief was the main emotion in his own mind.
My main emotion was a sort of half-mystic wonder, a dreamy curiosity that did not prompt me to action.
"One year ago, I'd say my main emotion was frustration," he said.
Lynette tells Tom that the main emotion she felt when believing he had left her was relief.
The main emotion seemed to be contempt for the other side.
Strange to say, my main emotion is a slight social embarrassment.
When they reached the edge of a little village and pulled off the road to make camp at last, her main emotion was relief.
His main emotion grew to be a sense of standing completely alone while he watched the approach of futility.
Embarrassment, irritation and disappointment are more difficult to find an appropriate response to and, for some, anger is the main emotion shown.