And yes, Putnam does have a Walmart, the traditional main foe of old town centers.
At the end, he lost 4 minutes 19 seconds to the winner and more than three minutes to his main foes.
Baghdad is seeking to undermine the influence held in Lebanon by Iraq's main foes, Syria and Iran.
And then is Israel the main foe of having the second phase take place in Madrid, sir?
Ramón, the captain of the garrison, is Zorro's main foe.
His main foe is Reverso, a parody of Bizarro.
If Ms. Megawati has stumbled, her main foe hardly seems stronger.
This time, though, Intel's main foe is not an external enemy, but a saturated PC market.
His two main political foes, who undermined each other for years, are linking arms in an effort to restore civilian rule.
The Krool are an alien species that serve as the main foe in Bad Company.