Nevertheless, such digital versions fall into the crucial "paid circulation" category which is still, unfortunately, the main gauge of market performance.
They believe the main gauge of self-worth is their body image.
The index, the main gauge of inflation and bedrock statistic of the federal government, is a surprisingly frail number.
Economic Index Declines The Government's main gauge for forecasting growth declined for the second straight month.
The Government's main gauge of future economic activity rose seven-tenths of 1 percent in February, but many economists said it was overstating economic strength.
The main gauge is a 160-miles per hour speedometer, which is optimistic but not outrageously so.
The Government's main economic-forecasting gauge posted its second straight hefty advance in March, for the strongest two-month performance in more than a year.
Also, a "charge" and "main" gauge determine what kind of projectile the player fires, and how many he or she can fire.
And the Government reported Tuesday that the index of leading indicators, its main gauge of future trends, fell in December for the third straight month.
In some African, American and Asian countries it is the main gauge.