Your main gripe with the left is that whole 'guilt' issue over crimes past.
But my main gripe about these camera carriers isn't their lack of space.
Wind noise and odd reflections in the door glass at night are the main gripes, but they aren't deal breakers for me.
My main gripe is that the app-tabs don't seem to be finalized (as in, the way they work).
But I was surprised to learn that one of France's main gripes is not about cheese or soybeans.
Apart from prices, reporters' main gripe is having to pay to use the loos in many mountain restaurants, even if you eat there.
That's my main gripe with any star wars game with lightsabers.
The main gripe among reviewers seemed to be the control scheme.
However, the main gripe has to be with the amount of room in the back.
Jerome's main gripe: "I would have added more beds so my brother didn't end up in the garage."