But for most men, the main lure of these salons is a stylish haircut.
He is honest about why he came here - money was the main lure, he says.
But the downhill slopes are really the main lure.
She says the drug coverage was the main lure for her because her drug bill last year was $6,000.
Miami, the city, does not even have a beach, the main lure for domestic and international travelers along with the weather, shopping malls and restaurants.
The main lure: its one-third stake in Qwest's network.
The main lure of the internet, according to him, is "free information" and Wikipedia has already emerged as a pioneer in open content information resources.
FOR more than 400 years, one of London's main lures has been the theater.
On the other hand, recent visitors say offshore diving areas, the main lure to the three islands, are closer to pristine than ever.
The menu actually lists only four of them, which isn't a problem, since the highly spiced meat and vegetable stews are the main lure.