In addition, the company has been hit by dozens of lawsuits from neighbors of its main refinery, and four plaintiffs won a $10.3 million decision in May 1990.
Sidanko's main refinery is hundreds of miles from its oilfields, in a sparsely populated region with only dying military industries to sell to and no access to export markets.
The first four straight at the Jiddah refinery, then four at the main refinery at Rabigh.
The main refinery, in Romania, was virtually destroyed by the bombing.
The main refinery in Baytown, built by Humble Oil (now ExxonMobil), became the largest in the state.
Oil spills are recorded both in case of maritime routes and pipeline routes to the main refineries.
The Port of Constanța is connected to the national pipeline system and to the main Romanian refineries.
The shortages were partly the result of reduced capacity at two main refineries which helped process the 1,700,000 barrels of crude oil produced per day.
It also served as the home of the company's main (and sole) refinery and distribution center.
On Nov. 17, insurgents blew up a section of the pipeline between a refinery in the town of Bayji and the main refinery in Baghdad.