When they finally reached the main roadway, they headed southwest for the coast.
The location was on the main roadway through town, and many church members lived nearby and walked to services.
Since the 2000s, the latter has significantly improved as main roadways have been upgraded to near European standards.
Additional work started after the main roadway opened by closing various ramps for reconstruction.
She had been out in the main roadways of Mycogen and was more at home with them than he was.
The family was standing on a traffic island between the main roadway and a service drive when struck.
This way, the airport keeps private vans off the main terminal roadways.
The repairs to Monterrey's main roadways were estimated to take up to three months to complete.
They follow the main roadway east to await my coming in the Tirfing.
When at last they did stop, they were back once more on the main roadway.