Using arugula as the basis for a main-course salad gives you a reason to put together plenty of really strong flavors, all playing nicely off the others.
Typical dishes are lasagna, pizza, quiche, omelet, various main-course salads all at $8.
But most people want a main-course salad for dinner that is low in fat and has a significant amount of protein as well as enough substance to keep them going till breakfast.
Most main-course salads lend themselves to adaptation.
Yield:Two to three first-course servings, or four main-course salads.
The bed sheet-size list includes main-course salads, pastas, familiar and not so familiar dinner entrees and more than a dozen sandwich possibilities.
There's a good selection of main-course salads, burgers and wraps.
Serve at room temperature as a main-course salad or as an appetizer.
They added salad bars in the 1980's, when main-course salads made up 9 percent of lunch orders.
In the summer, I like to serve a main-course salad, using a selection of farm-stand vegetables or produce from the garden.