Those standards set an important precedent for Federal regulation of private health insurance, which is still controlled mainly by the states.
The spending of the windfall is controlled mainly at the state level.
For the non-financial data streams, it's mainly controlled 'by exception', as the expression goes.
A 1990 book described Isangi town as being mainly controlled by one influential merchant.
Tides are controlled mainly by the gravitational pull of the moon.
Under the 1969 decentralization law, the city's elementary and middle schools are mainly controlled by 32 elected school boards.
Bilingual education, for instance, is controlled mainly by the 32 district boards over which the chancellor has little control.
A number of oil wells exist in close proximity to the town, mainly controlled by the company Rosneft.
There are also concerns about technology which might allow some armed robots to be controlled mainly by other robots.
The ocean's currents are mainly controlled by the monsoon.