To maintain accounts in such forms as may be prescribed.
Some big customers maintain accounts at the settlement banks, making the process that much easier.
In other words, users who want to maintain free accounts will have to do plenty of clicking.
He emphasized to them the importance of running it as a business enterprise and maintaining proper accounts.
Programmers can maintain accounts on distant, powerful computers, run programs there or write their own.
They had to keep records and maintain accounts.
He had, however, maintained noncorporate accounts at every port, often under an alias.
Yes, but you must inform us, in advance, if you intend to use a computer system to maintain your records or accounts.
First, she said, the collateral is typically placed in an account maintained by the lender and cannot be sold without being replaced.
Providing the least profit are middle-class and affluent customers who demand frequent personal service while maintaining relatively small accounts.