Following steep turn downwind over downslope of mountain, pilot failed to maintain airspeed, stalled, two crew killed.
Sweet pushed the control column forward to maintain airspeed but there was no response.
Henry eased back on the throttle and lowered the nose to maintain airspeed.
"When the nose of your airplane goes down, to maintain constant airspeed and not accelerate, you always pull off power," Mr. Vogt said.
At that point power recovery (while maintaining airspeed) can be successfully accomplished.
As with any low altitude maneuver it is important to maintain correct airspeed in order to prevent a stall.
The maneuver is usually complemented by an increase in power, in order to maintain airspeed.
If the wind shear is of sufficient magnitude, a bird can climb into the wind gradient, trading ground speed for height, while maintaining airspeed.
If the pilot had maintained airspeed, he'd have been fine.
Guess was cited by co-workers as having to be consistently reminded to keep his hand on the throttle and maintain airspeed during approaches.