A dash was introduced into the S. macroura sequence to maintain alignment.
Horses with parrot mouth often require dental treatment at least every six months to remove the hooks and maintain alignment.
Striving to maintain proper posture and alignment will aid in preventing disc degradation.
With this assembly it is often difficult for lamps to maintain alignment.
At high temperatures, random thermal motion makes it more difficult for the electrons to maintain alignment.
Personal integrity: the practice of maintaining alignment between one's behaviors and convictions.
"They help you maintain the proper posture and alignment of your spine," Reicherter says.
Support should be minimal, enough to maintain correct alignment of the body parts without assistance, and properly divided among those parts involved.
By changing the ordering of members in a structure, it is possible to change the amount of padding required to maintain alignment.
The only way to maintain the required spacing and alignment is to eyeball it.