He maintained allegiance to Italian Communism for the rest of his life.
Ceuta governors did not accept the new king; they maintained their allegiance to Spain.
Black workers maintained allegiance to the Republican Party, which had helped to abolish slavery.
Through it all, Romanowski's supporters have maintained their allegiance.
It is very likely that leaders of Miletus sent him there as a legislator to create a constitution or simply to maintain the colony's allegiance.
Those nobles who maintained allegiance to the pope became known as the Black Nobility.
Consequently, he maintained strong allegiance to the crown throughout his life, values which he later passed onto to his son.
Within these districts were administrators who were appointed by the government, in return, they had to maintain their allegiance to the main internal government.
One maintained its allegiance to the traditional ideology of the URP.
Maintain your allegiance to the Shadowmaster and you're dead if your Taglian friends find out.