Some fishing companies, mostly family operations, maintained boats, refrigeration facilities, and marketing outlets.
The hazardous materials used for cleaning, painting and maintaining boats deserve the most intense regulation.
Fellows, Morton & Clayton Ltd had built mainly their own boats, the Uxbridge dock building wooden boats and Saltley building new and maintaining existing boats.
The sailing club originated as an all-volunteer club whose members maintained boats and taught each other how to sail on wooden dinghies.
The association buys and maintains boats for the pilots, performs all their bookkeeping functions and selects and trains apprentices.
"I've seen beautifully maintained boats for sale by private sellers, and I've seen boats brought in by brokers that they got through a trade-in," Karla Little, manager for the Newport show, said last week.
The Imperial German Navy (IGN) maintains a powerful fleet of U-Boats, mainly Type-VII boats from the Great War, as well as the new Type-IX boats.
Accidents have occurred due to overloaded or poorly maintained boats.
Museumshafen - Private initiative for maintaining old traditional working boats mainly from the Baltics (Segelschiffe).
It would give impetus to maintaining deteriorating boats and encourage continuation of the boatbuilding craft.