Israel maintains checkpoints on the edges of the desert town, but soldiers rarely enter Jericho to make arrests.
They are not supposed to conduct identity checks or maintain checkpoints on adjacent roads.
Israeli troops will continue to ring Bethlehem, maintaining checkpoints at its exits.
Along the roads that spread through the Nicaraguan countryside from Quilali, Sandinista soldiers maintain guard posts and checkpoints.
Although that war is more or less over, the military still maintains checkpoints on the narrow roads to and from Bingol.
The Taliban became de facto rulers of the town, maintaining checkpoints and levying taxes.
Israel says it needs to maintain checkpoints along the road to protect Jewish settlements in Gaza from attack.
The Sri Lankan military and police personnel still maintain numerous checkpoints throughout the country.
Security personnel maintain checkpoints on major roads.
As part of their peacekeeping training in the 240-square-mile area, the troops are learning to maintain checkpoints and to counter insurgents.