However, with any luck, the system could maintain circulation even in the case of total heart failure, purely by venous pumping.
It seems to me to be awfully difficult to maintain, let alone increase, circulation if you go to a weekly frequency.
Recent scientific research suggests that daily fish oil can help to maintain a healthy heart, and circulation.
Physical therapy may help maintain or increase muscle tone and circulation.
Now, most publishers try to keep the price of the paper down to maintain broad circulation to attract more advertisers.
Student papers, subsidized by school funds, generally need not worry about satisfying readers in order to maintain circulation.
Ability to maintain circulation is further limited by the effect of cortisol deficiency.
The paper struggled to maintain circulation and relied upon job printing work.
For this reason, maintaining circulation is vital to moving oxygen to the tissues and carbon dioxide out of the body.
For the moment, all the Hunter could do was maintain blood pressure and circulation until help showed up.